

Virtual Private Network(VPN):Generally,in the old days the companies used to buy PPP wan link between their corporate office to connect them and wants to be secure and ISP guarantees that is virtual private connection and no body is going to capture/watch the data is a type of VPN.
Now VPN builds a logical path over usually untrusted network that can allow authentication of the peers between two devices.It encrypts the data with encryption algorithm like RC4,3DES,AES,etc. So now we have secure communication over the Internet.
so for this reason we use VPN.
Main benefits of the VPNS.
The main benefits of using a VPN for either remote access or Site-to-Site include
  1. Confidentiality:Means privecy or it means that only intended parties can understand the data is sent and the data is encrypted.
  2. Integrity:The data that is being sent is to make sure that it is accurate,so it means that the data has no changed/manipulated/modified by an unauthorized users.
  3. Authentication:A VPN tunnel is fantastic to authenticate or validate the peers.
  4. Antireplay : It means that once a VPN packet has been sent and account for that,exact same VPN packet is not valid the second time in the VPN session.
Ciphers: A cipher is a set of rules which can also be called Algorithm about how to perform encryption or decryption.
there are two types of cipher.
  1. Block Ciphers
  2. Stream Ciphers
1. Block Ciphers:A block cipher is a symmetric key that operators on a group of bits called a block. It may take a 64-bit block of plain-text and generates a 64-bit block of cipher text.  
Examples of it
  • Advanced Encryption Algorithm(AES).
  • Triple Digital Encryption Standard(3DES).
  • Blow fish
  • Digital Encryption Standard(DES).
  • International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA).
  • Rivest Shamir Adleman(RSA).
2.Stream Ciphers:It uses Smaller units of plain-text then block ciphers.It works with bits.It is then block ciphers.
Symmetric Encryption Algorithm

Symmetric Encryption Algorithm:It uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the data.
Examples: DES,3DES,AES,IDEA,RC2,4,5,6 and BLOW FISH.

Benefits: It is much faster because it takes less cpu for the same symmetrical encryption algorithm the second is  the key length 40 to 256.
Brief descriptions
DES=56 bit keys
3DES=112 and 168 bit keys
AES=128,192,256 bit keys
IDEA=128 bit keys

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